
{{EngLish?'WANG Yanfeng':'王延峰'}}


{{EngLish?'School of Artificial Intelligence':'人工智能学院'}}

{{EngLish?'Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'上海交通大学(SJTU)'}}



{{EngLish?'Prof. Yanfeng Wang, a doctoral supervisor and Executive Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, serves as Chairman of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Industrial Innovation Research Institute, Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader, and a member of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress. He is an expert member of the National Key R&D Program on New Generation Artificial Intelligence under the National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Initiative and a member of the National Development and Reform Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Industry Advisory Committee. With a long-term focus on interdisciplinary research and industrial translation in AI applications for media and healthcare, he has led cross-disciplinary teams to achieve internationally advanced innovations under national and municipal science programs. He has authored over 100 academic papers in top-tier journals and conferences such as Nature Communications, ICCV, and CVPR; filed 100+ patent applications (27 granted, including 18 PCT and 5 international patents); and published the monograph Boundless: The Intelligent Revolution and Industrial Innovation (selected for the National Press and Publication Administration’s “Monthly Best Books” list) and the textbook Empowerment: Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy (included in China’s “New Generation AI Series Textbooks”). His research has earned him two Shanghai Science and Technology Progress First Prizes, one Shanghai Technology Invention First Prize, and one China Electronics Society Science and Technology First Prize. He has also received the Shanghai IT Youth Rising Star Award and the Shanghai May Fourth Youth Medal.':'王延峰教授,博士生导师,上海交通大学人工智能学院执行院长,上海交大工业创新研究院理事长,上海市优秀学术带头人,第十六届上海市人大代表。国家科技创新2030“新一代人工智能”重大项目专家组成员、国家发改委人工智能产业咨询专家委员会成员。长期聚焦人工智能与媒体和医疗交叉领域的科研创新与成果转化,在国家与上海市重大科技计划支持下,组建跨学科产学研团队协同攻关,取得了一系列国际先进的创新成果。共发表学术论文100余篇,包括Nature Communications、ICCV、CVPR等国际顶级期刊及会议论文;申请发明专利100余项,获得授权27项,其中国际PCT专利申请18项,授权5项;出版专著《无界:智能革命与业态创新》,入选国家新闻出版局“月度好书”榜,主编教材《赋能:人工智能与数字经济》被纳入我国“新一代人工智能系列教材”。研究成果曾获上海市科技进步一等奖2次,上海市技术发明一等奖1次,中国电子学会科学技术一等奖1次。获上海IT青年新锐奖、上海市五四青年奖章等。'}}


{{EngLish?'2004 Marketing Manager, Shanghai High Definition Digital Technology Industrial Co., Ltd.':'2004年,相继任上海高清数字科技产业有限公司商务经理、总裁助理、营销总监'}}

{{EngLish?'2005 Master Degree, Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'2005年,获上海交通大学硕士学位'}}

{{EngLish?'2009 PH.D, Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'2009年,获上海交通大学博士学位'}}

{{EngLish?'2010 Vice President, Shanghai National Engineering Research Center of Digital Television':'2010年,任数字电视国家工程研究中心副总裁'}}

{{EngLish?'2015 Deputy Director, School of Electronic, Information & Electrical Engineering':'2015年,任上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院副院长'}}

{{EngLish?'2015 Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'2015年,上海交通大学未来媒体网络协同创新中心副主任'}}

{{EngLish?'2017 Dean, Suzhou Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'2017年,任上海交通大学苏州人工智能研究院院长'}}

{{EngLish?'2018 Deputy Dean, Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'2018年,任上海交通大学人工智能研究院副院长'}}

{{EngLish?'2021 Assistant Director, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory':'2021年,任上海人工智能实验室主任助理'}}

{{EngLish?'2024 Executive Dean, School of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University':'2024年,任上海交通大学人工智能学院执行院长'}}

{{EngLish?'2024 Chairman, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Industrial Technology Innovation Research Institute':'2024年,任上海交大工业技术创新研究院理事长'}}

{{EngLish?'Research Projects':'科研项目'}}

2022年 上海市科委科技创新行动计划:上海市优秀学术带头人

2020年 科技部国家重点研发计划《4K超高清媒体的制作与分发关键技术研究》

2019年 国家发改委互联网+重大专项《大数据分析与智能媒体传输系统》

2018年 上海市人工智能创新发展专项项目《面向智慧医院的行为多维度感知系统的建设》

2015年 上海市科技行动计划重大项目《4K超高清电视全产业链关键技术研究与应用示范》

2020年 科技部国家重点研发计划


2019年 国家发改委互联网+重大专项


2018年 上海市人工智能创新发展专项项目


2015年 上海市科技行动计划重大项目


{{EngLish?'Journal Papers':'期刊论文'}}

1. Dai, Tianjie; Zhang, Ruipeng; Hong, Feng; Yao, Jiangchao; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng,“UniChest: Conquer-and-Divide Pre-training for Multi-Source Chest X-Ray Classification”,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2024.

2. Zhou, Yuhang; Yao, Jiangchao; Hong, Feng; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng,“Balanced destruction-reconstruction dynamics for memory-replay class incremental learning”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2024.

3. Huang, Chaoqin; Guan, Haoyan; Jiang, Aofan; Zhang, Ya; Spratling, Michael; Wang, Xinchao; Wang, Yanfeng,“Few-Shot Anomaly Detection via Category-Agnostic Registration Learning”,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2024.

4. Huang, Chaoqin; Guan, Haoyan; Jiang, Aofan; Zhang, Ya; Spratling, Michael; Wang, Xinchao; Wang, Yanfeng,“Few-Shot Anomaly Detection via Category-Agnostic Registration Learning”,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2024.

5. Xu, Chenxin; Wei, Yuxi; Tang, Bohan; Yin, Sheng; Zhang, Ya; Chen, Siheng; Wang, Yanfeng,“Dynamic-group-aware networks for multi-agent trajectory prediction with relational reasoning”,Neural Networks,2024.

6. Fan, Ziqing; Yao, Jiangchao; Han, Bo; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng,“Federated learning with bilateral curation for partially class-disjoint data”,Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,2024.

7. Yang, Yuhuan; Ma, Chaofan; Ju, Chen; Zhang, Fei; Yao, Jiangchao; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng,“Multi-modal prototypes for open-world semantic segmentation”, International Journal of Computer Vision,2024.

8. Qiu, Pengcheng; Wu, Chaoyi; Zhang, Xiaoman; Lin, Weixiong; Wang, Haicheng; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng; Xie, Weidi,“Towards building multilingual language model for medicine”,Nature Communications,2024.

9. Wu, Chaoyi; Lin, Weixiong; Zhang, Xiaoman; Zhang, Ya; Xie, Weidi; Wang, Yanfeng,“PMC-LLaMA: toward building open-source language models for medicine”,Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,2024.

10. Liao, Yusheng; Wang, Yanfeng; Wang, Yu,“Leveraging Diverse Modeling Contexts with Collaborating Learning for Neural Machine Translation”,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,2024.

11. Zhao, Zihan; Jiang, Yiyang; Liu, Heyang; Wang, Yu; Wang, Yanfeng,“LibriSQA: A Novel Dataset and Framework for Spoken Question Answering with Large Language Models”,IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence,2024.

12. Zheng, Qiaoyu; Zhao, Weike; Wu, Chaoyi; Zhang, Xiaoman; Dai, Lisong; Guan, Hengyu; Li, Yuehua; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng; Xie, Weidi,“Large-scale long-tailed disease diagnosis on radiology images”,Nature Communications,2024.

13. Liu, Lin; An, Junfeng; Yuan, Shanxin; Zhou, Wengang; Li, Houqiang; Wang, Yanfeng; Tian, Qi,“Video Demoiréing with Deep Temporal Color Embedding and Video-Image Invertible Consistency”,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2024.

14. Zhang, Xiaoman; Wu, Chaoyi; Zhao, Ziheng; Lin, Weixiong; Zhang, Ya; Wang, Yanfeng; Xie, Weidi,“Development of a large-scale medical visual question-answering dataset”,Communications Medicine,2024.

15. Y Wang, M Ding , Z Chen, L Luo, “Caching Placement with Recommendation Systems for Cache-Enabled Mobile Social Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters ,2017.

16. Y Wang, D He, L Ding, W Zhang, W Li, Y Wu, N Liu, Y Wang ,“Media Transmission by Cooperation of Cellular Network and Broadcasting Network ”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting ,2017.

17. Y Wang, D He , W Zhang, Y Guan, Y Wang, Y Zhang, H Hui , “An Urban-Rural Dual Structure for the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting System of FOBTV”,2014.

18. 王延峰,谢富纪,“上海市“十一五”期间城市创新体系建设目标与思路 ”, 上海管理科学,2005.

19. 王延峰,谢富纪,“企业动态技术创新矩阵层次结构模型”,技术经济与管理研究,2004.

20. Huang Yihang;He Dazhi;Xu Yin;Wang Yanfeng;Zhang Wenjun;Wang Mingmin,“Improved Bootstrap Design for Frequency-Domain Signaling Transmission”,2017.

21. Q Chen, L Xi, Y Wang, “The impact of release times, lot size, and scheduling policy in an A&T facility ”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,2006.

22. Q Chen, L Xi, Y Wang,“The impact of release times, lot size, and scheduling policy in an A&T facility ”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,2006.

23. Y Cao, L Wang, K Xu, C Kou, Y Zhang, G Wei, J He, Y Wang, L Zhao,“Information theory-based algorithm for in silico prediction of PCR products with whole genomic sequences as templates ”, BMC Bioinformatics ,2005.

{{EngLish?'Conference Papers':'会议论文'}}

1. K. Du, Y. Zhang, H. Guan, Q. Tian, Y. Wang, S. Cheng, J. Lin, "FTL: A universal framework for training low-bit DNNs via Feature Transfer", ECCV 2020, accepted.

2. Y. Xue, S. Feng, Y. Zhang*, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, "Dual-task Self-supervision for Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation", MICCAI 2020, accepted.

3. M. Li, S. Chen*, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang, Q. Tian, "Dynamic Multiscale Graph Neural Networks for 3D Skeleton-Based Human Motion Prediction", CVPR 2020 (Oral), pp. 214-223. (Source code)

4. X. Liao, W. Li, Q. Xu, X. Wang*, B. Jin*, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang*, "Iteratively-Refined Interactive 3D Medical Image Segmentation with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning", CVPR 2020, pp. 9394-9402.

5. H. Wu, J. Yao, J. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang, "Collaborative Label Correction via Entropy Thresholding", ICDM 2019, pp. 1390-1395.

6. B. Lai, S. Peng, G. Yao, Y. Zhang*, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, H. Zhao, "Spatial Regularized Classification Network for Spinal Dislocation Diagnosis", H.-I. Suk et al. (Eds.): MLMI 2019, LNCS 11861, pp. 9-17, 2019.

7. Y Gu, Y Zhang, J Chang, Y Wang, “An element sensitive saliency model with position prior learning for web pages”, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2019, accepted.

8. S. Peng, B. Lai, G. Yao, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang, H. Zhao, "Learning-Based Bone Quality Classification Method for Spinal Metastasis", H.-I. Suk et al. (Eds.): MLMI 2019, LNCS 11861, pp. 426-434, 2019.

9. S. Peng, B. Lai, G. Yao, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang, H. Zhao, "Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies with Iterative Slice-propagation", In: Wang Q. et al. (eds) Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer and Medical Image Learning with Less Labels and Imperfect Data. DART 2019, MIL3ID 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11795. Springer, Cham.

10. Y. Zhou, Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang, Q. Tian, "Accelerate CNN via Recursive Bayesian Pruning", ICCV 2019, pp. 3306-3315.

11. M. Li, S. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q. Tian, "Actional-Structural Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-based Action Recognition", CVPR 2019, pp. 3595-3603.

12. Y. Wang, L. Xie, S. Qiao, Y. Zhang*, W. Zhang, A. Yuille, "Multi-Scale Spatially-Asymmetric Recalibration for Image Classification", ECCV 2018, pp. 523-539.

13. J. Chang, Y. Gu, Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang, "Chinese Handwriting Imitation with Hierarchical Generative Adversarial Network", BMVC 2018: 290.

14.H Zhao, X Chen, J Yao, Y Zhang, Y. Wang,” Recommendation with Hybrid Interest Model”, 18th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2018, accepted.

15. H Zhao, X Chen, J Yao, Y Zhang, Y Wang,” Recommendation with Hybrid Interest Model”, 18th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2018, accepted.

16. Y Zhou, S Huang, Y Zhang, Y. Wang, “Deep hashing with triplet quantization loss”, 2017 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2017.

17. Z Jiang, Y Wang, W Chen, X Wang, Y Zhang, J Mei, Z Huang, “Cold-start group profiling with a clustering-coupled topic model”, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018.

18. Y. Li, M. Li, Y. Zhang, Y Wang, "Unsupervised Local Facial Attributes transfer Using Dual Discriminative Adversarial Networks", ICME 2018.

19. H Cai, Y Zhang, Y Wang, X Wang, J Mei, Z Huang, “Predicting relative popularity via an end-to-end multi-modality model”, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018.

20. Y Feng, F Wu, X Shao, Y Wang, X Zhou, “Joint 3d face reconstruction and dense alignment with position map regression network”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) ,2018.

21. H Hong, D He, Y Xu, Y Wang, W Zhang, Y Wang, “Gradient descent cyclic algorithm An algorithm to design the filter set in TDCFS method”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, BMSB, 2017.

22. M Cheng, Y Xu, J Sun, Y Wang, J Song, K Park, “NDMP- An Emerging MPEG Standard for Network Distributed Media Processing”, 2017 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017.

23. H Hong, D He, Y Xu, Y Wang, W Zhang, Y Wang, “Gradient Descent Cyclic Algorithm - An Algorithm to Design the Filter Set in TDCFS Method”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB),2017.

24. Y Zhang, Y Wang, W Cai, S Zhou, Y Zhang, “From theory to practice: Efficient active cost-sensitive classification with expected error reduction”, Proceedings of the 17th Siam International Conference on Data Mining, SDM 2017.

25. Y Zhou, S Huang, Y Wang, Y Wang, “Deep Hashing with Triplet Quantization Loss”, 2017 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP).

26. W Zhang, D He, Y Guan, Y Xu, Y Wang, Y Wang, “Consideration and Application of Smart Broadcasting”, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB).

27. W Zhang, D He, Y Guan, Y Xu, Y Wang, Y Wang, “Consideration and application of smart broadcasting”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, BMSB.


1. 王延峰, 赖柏霖, 张小云, 张娅, 赵晖, 顾一峰, 李跃华, 姚光宇:脊骨脱位辅助诊断方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201910912803.7

2. 王延峰, 彭诗奇, 张娅, 赵晖, 顾一峰, 李跃华, 姚光宇:适用于脊柱转移肿瘤骨质的质量分类方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201910881871.1

3. 王延峰, 周越夫, 张娅:基于变分推断的逐层神经网络剪枝方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201910195272.4

4. 王延峰, 赵培森, 张娅:从全局到类别特征表达学习的动作识别方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201811612590.8

5. 王延峰:利用光流指导特征融合的物体实例分割方法,申请专利号:CN201811603866.6

6. 王延峰:行驶轨迹风险评估方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201811408039.1

7. 王延峰, 熊帅, 刘宜璠, 徐胤, 何大治:一种用于STL/SFN传输的RTP协议封装方法,申请专利号:CN201710327818.8

8. 王延峰, 周越夫, 黄衫衫, 张娅:一种有监督深度哈希快速图片检索方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201710555687.9(已授权)

9. 王延峰, 彭诗奇, 张娅, 赵晖, 顾一峰, 李跃华, 姚光宇:基于自训练和切片传播的弱监督脊椎椎体分割方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201910989817.9

10. 张娅, 赵培森, 王延峰:约束时域关系的视频动作定位方法和系统,申请专利号:CN202010032794.5

11. 张娅, 李茂森, 赵阳桁, 王延峰:面向人体骨架的运动预测方法及系统,申请专利号:CN202010014577.3

12. 张娅, 廖选, 李文浩, 徐琪森, 王祥丰, 金博, 张小云, 王延峰:交互式图像分割方法、系统及终端,申请专利号:CN201911405917.9

13. 张娅, 鞠陈, 王延峰:一种基于自适应采样策略的弱监督视频时序动作检测方法和系统,申请专利号:CN202010403823.4

14. 张小云, 李圣杨, 张娅, 王延峰, 王晓霞, 钟玉敏, 姚晓芬:CT扫描图像的儿童神经母细胞瘤分割方法、系统及装置,申请专利号:CN201911206067.X

15. 徐异凌, 张文军, 殷骄阳, 陈浩, 王延峰, 管云峰:支持大跨度相关性信息编码的标识方法及系统 ,申请专利号:CN201810974952.1

16. 张娅, 李茂森, 陈旭, 王延峰:人体骨架动作识别方法、系统及介质,申请专利号:CN201910411801.X

17. 张娅, 李智康, 王延峰:基于协同学习的弱监督语义分割方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201910619773.0

18. 张娅, 张烨珣, 王延峰:基于对抗学习的无监督领域适应方法、系统及介质,申请专利号:CN201910276847.5

19. 张娅, 汶川, 常杰, 王延峰:基于协同笔画优化的个性化手写体迁移方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201910195271.X

20. 张娅, 崔克楠, 陈旭, 姚江超, 王延峰:基于协同学习的用户兴趣建模方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201811287804.9

21. 张娅, 陈旭, 姚江超, 李茂森, 王延峰:基于变分解耦合方式对符号有向网络的表达学习方法,申请专利号:CN201811184604.0

22. 徐异凌、张文军、谢绍伟、陈浩、孙军、王延峰、柳宁:一种基于媒体自身属性以支持空间分块的存储与传输方法,申请专利号:ZL 2016 1 0056411.1

23. 张娅, 陈旭, 崔克楠, 姚江超, 王延峰:基于物品关联关系的序列化推荐方法,申请专利号:CN201811116273.7

24. 徐异凌, 李哲, 王恒超, 王延峰, 孙军:基于分组的点云码流封装方法和系,申请专利号: CN201910027716.3

25. 张文军, 徐胤, 何大治, 高娜, 张根宁, 蔡炀, 王延峰:一种LDPC码字结构及码字编码方法,申请专利号:CN201710461422.2

26. 何大治, 刘宜璠, 徐胤, 熊帅, 王延峰, 张文军:用于STL-SFN传输过程的数据报头结构及封装方法,申请专利号:CN201710332187.9

27. 张娅, 王嘉杰, 姚江超, 王延峰:基于协同学习的弱监督检测模型训练方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201810328284.5

28. 张文军, 徐胤, 何大治, 洪含绛, 张根宁, 王延峰:比特交织编码调制方法及其解交织解码解调方法,申请专利号:CN201710200896.1

29. 张娅, 常杰, 王延峰:一种多媒体页面视觉显著性预测方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201810343404.9

30. 何大治, 刘宜璠, 熊帅, 徐胤, 王延峰:一种基于多业务TS流的ALP封装方法,申请专利号:CN201710027313.X

31. 张文军, 张根宁, 王延峰, 何大治, 徐胤, 刘宜璠, 熊帅, 赵康:应用于广播通信系统的信令码编码方法及对应的译码方法,申请专利号:CN201611060218.1

32. 张娅, 张烨珣, 蔡文彬, 王延峰:基于少量样本生成的任意风格和内容的迁移方法和系统,申请专利号:CN201710957685.2

33. 张娅, 常杰, 顾宇俊, 王延峰:基于对抗网络的汉字字体迁移系统,申请专利号:CN201710741335.2

34. 张娅, 姚江超, 王嘉杰, 王延峰:在标签含噪情况下基于质量嵌入的图像分类方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201710599924.1(已授权)

35. 张娅, 王仲豪, 顾宇俊, 王延峰:基于视觉注意力模型的高精度服装图像检索方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201710567746.4

36. 徐异凌, 王延峰, 黄倩, 谢绍伟, 管云峰:沉浸媒体内容随用户移动变化的方法及系统,申请专利号:CN201811108139.2


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2013年 中国王选新闻科技进步一等奖

2013年 国家广播电视电影总局科技进步一等奖

2005年 上海交通大学校长奖



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{{EngLish?'Research Projects':'科研项目'}}



